
This is basically my portfolio. I've collected all the things I've worked on that are most impressive, or that I'm most proud of, or that I enjoyed the most. All of them have a short-ish writeup and links to further information where applicable.


I study Sound Engineering so I have a decent amount to talk about here. Possibly not as much as you'd expect - pretty much everyone else on the course came at it from a music or music production background, whereas I did 3 technical A-levels and do calculus in my head for fun. I've still done plenty since starting uni though, from sound recording on a film to original music. Read more


I am a programmer at heart. I do a lot of silly things with computers, most of which serve little to no purpose to anyone except me, and sometimes not even that. Read more


Sometimes "silly things with computers" involves building a computer, or at the very least building something with a computer in it. Read more