Allison Edwards
Hi! I'm Allison, a second year BSc Sound Engineering student at Salford. I'm also a programmer, recreational mathematician, and occasionally a musician.
Owing to my field of study, I do a fair bit of music and otherwise sound-related work. You can find some of it here. I also do a lot of silly things with computers, both in software and hardware.
Me in other places
You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, my new Bandcamp, or my old Bandcamp. Anything available on these will most likely also be available here, albeit maybe with some delay while I do a proper writeup.
You can also email me at ambyshframber AT gmail DOT com, and if you really want, you can look at my other website.
Disclaimer: everything featured in this sounds noticeably better in reality than it does here, because Youtube loves to compress your audio to hell and back. Spiral and Sonic Orbit are available on my new Bandcamp, but Volumes and the Exclusive are currently unavailable: Volumes because it's not done and the Exclusive because we haven't decided where to publish it yet.
Project highlights
This is a shortlist of the best and most interesting things I've worked on. If you want to see everything, visit my Projects page.
Zorp City Radio: the Biogenic OOZE Exclusive
Spinal Tap meets Hitchhiker's when Galnix Sperian scores an exclusive interview with galaxy-famous band Biogenic OOZE. Read more
Staticcc site generator
Only somewhat hacky Markdown-in-HTML-out site generator. Used for both this site and my old one. Read more
A project with more revisions and do-overs than I care to count (OK it's like 4) and still no finished version. Read more